
Life is what life will be, so stop for a minute

Stop for a minute Look inside you Whom are you running from What are you going through People won't understand But you always will Take time out for yourself Being confused is better still Confusion is just an illusion One to overcome easily Clear your mind, ease your life Even a monk can once breathe heavily When Life gets tough, The tough gets going Your problems are your plants The seeds you've been sowing Accept your problems Embrace them tight Running away doesn't solve anything Confronting them is your way to light Work upon the issues Put in more hours Even a florist removes thorns Before using rose flowers You need to be your own hand Mould your own cup of tea Seeing through the craftsman's brow Carve Beauty out of a marble sheet Life is what life will be You are the one to decide Smile your way through the present Or let the fear of future survive

The real justice to SSR?

  Don't be nervous Don't freak out Don't be scared Keep that tear out You're the only one you can count Don't let it out Keep the fear inside No, don't be a coward Don't say it loud. We do control our words And our dripping eyes But in those scars Engraved on our hearts Stay a million tears Stinging in and far Saying it out loud is not a sin Not an offense Nor an error Or an evil win Crying doesn't declare victory To the person hurting you Instead, it gives you the power To shove them all out Who've been stopping you Be expressive Just let it flow You're not by yourself We're all in together To fight it all out This is the point that We join our hands Come together and, Keep the fears at bay We don't need no more SSRs, No more losses or fall Can't we make this little talk To keep suicides out of our way?


Silence This silence helps us understand the purpose of our life  A second of silence brings peace and harmony to our confused mind Silence stops all the negative thoughts A minute of silence helps us immensely. But, With some people, d eep down It starts a chain reaction One which nobody wants Their greatest fears, their worst guilt, the sad feelings Buried under the day to day race of life All rise up Out from their graves Haunting them again So maybe Not everyone needs silence some people need chaos A lot of it.

दूर गांव की सुनो कहानी

दूर गांव की सुनो कहानी हिरो है जिसके साधू सत्तू दो भाईयो की बंद हुई शैतानी क्या करेंगे अभ चिंटू पिंटू चिंटू पिंटू थे दो भाई थे वह दोनो भी बोहत पत्लु रहते थे वह साथ जैसे लगायी हो कोई गोंद चिपकू साथ खेलते थे हमेशा लगोरी कंचे लट्टू मम्मी का था इतना ही सवाल और कितना सताओगे बच्चू? सबसे बडे थे ये दो शैतान काम ना आया कोई नज़र बट्टू उनको सुधारने के प्रयास मै बुलाये गये साधू सत्तू साधू ने किये अनेक प्रयोग काम ना किया कोई काढा कालू थक हार के बताया उपाय ले जाओ इन्हे राजस्थान के घाटू घाटूश्याम के मंदिर पहुचे पिंटू चिंटू और पिताजी पप्पू वहा मिला उन्हे स्वादिष्ट खाना जो बनाते थे महाराज पेटू तीनो मिल्कर खूब खाये बन गये तीनो मोटू अभ कभी वो भाग ना पायेंगे समझ गये थे साधू सत्तू खुशी से झुम उठा सारा गांव जभ शांत हुए चिंटू और पिंटू अभ क्या करूँगा मै मोटा होकर यह सोचते रह गये पिताजी पप्पू

भर ले तू भी अपनी उड़ान

बंद घडी भी दिन मै दौ बार सही वक़्त बताती है, अपना काम वो बंद हो कर भी कर जाती है| अब क्या बहाना है तेरा, ओ परिंंदे? जा भर ले तू अपनी वो उड़ान, आसमान की उचाईया भी तेरा नाम पुकारती है|

माँ मेरी........

माँ मेरी, कैसे बतलाऊ मै अपना दुख, जब तुने ही तो हर पल दिया है सुख| कैसे बताऊ तुझे मेरा नींद ना आना, जब तेरी ही तो माँढि पर हर एक सपना है देखा| कैसे बताऊ मेरा डर तुझे, जब तुने हर वक़्त हाथ है मेरा थामा| कैसे बताऊ तुझे मेरे अंधेरे का डर, जब तेरे ही साये मे मैने अपने आप को मेहफ़ूज है  पाया| कैसे कुछ कह पाऊ तुझे मै अपने बारेमे, जब तुने ही मुझे सही मायने में है पहचाना||

Stay with you, for the rest of your life

I hate how people talk about rain Don't ruin even that with your feelings Feelings which people lie about Which people make you believe and incredule at the same time So don't see yourself breaking under that beautiful lightning Don't see the rain as your tears to be falling from the holy grounds Don't ruin them Because those are the only things which won't lie The ones which will love you forever Soothe you when you feel chaotic Help you sleep even through your darkest dreams, Unlike people. They aren't those friends who leave after listening to someone Not the lovers which abandon you when you need them So if you ever do need something really bad Sit on that window pane, Let the rain make you feel itself Stay an hour longer for that sunset Wake up early to see the sunrise Stay on your playground for a minute more Hold on to that basketball And hear them say it And honestly so this time, "I'm gonna stay with you, For the rest of your life."